Foro Romano

The Roman Forum, in ancient Rome, was the central place of the city, similar to the main squares in modern cities. Government institutions, markets and religious sites were located here. As today, the Roman Forum was the epicenter of commercial activities, business, religious activities and administration of justice, as well as serving as the communal home.

Evidence can be seen that, from the earliest times of the Republic, sediments eroded from the surrounding hills were already gradually raising the level of the Forum. Originally, this site was a marshy ground that the Tarquinians drained by means of the Cloaca Maxima. The travertine pavement found today, dating from the reign of Caesar Augustus, was the last layer to be added.

Today, the Roman Forum is known for the impressive remains that eloquently display how urban spaces were used during the Roman Empire.

Article obtained from Wikipedia article Wikipedia in his version of 04/09/2023, by various authors under the license Licencia de Documentación Libre GNU.