As Burgas

Las Burgas are some hot springs that are located in the city of Orense.

Silicated, fluoridated, lithinic and hyperthermal waters spring from them at a temperature between 64 and 68ºC with a flow of 300 liters per minute. These waters are applicable to different types of skin diseases, especially pruritic ones.

The origin of the name Burgas is not very clear, for some authors it may come from the Celtic "beru" which means hot, but the most accepted etymology is the one that indicates its origin from the Latin "burca" which means pile, alluding to the baths used by the Romans as spas.

There are three springs: the Burga de Arriba, the oldest, popular in style and belonging to the 17th century, the Burga do Medio, attached to the wall and modern in style, with a thermal complex and entrance to the "Burgas Interpretation Center" recently created (2010), and the Burga de Abaixo, neoclassical style, nineteenth century, with two lateral spouts and a basin carved in the center, with another spout.

Also found in this set is the replica of the four Roman aras found in the city, the first of them created in honor of the Nymphs of those waters offered by Calpurnia Abana Aeboso, which is the first known name of an inhabitant of the city of Pray.

As a curious fact, we can comment on the uses that the inhabitants of the city used to make of these waters since they used the sources as hot water for the surrounding houses, for the bakery ovens that surrounded the area and for the leather crafts that established their industries.

Article obtained from Wikipedia article Wikipedia in his version of 21/10/2020, by various authors under the license Licencia de Documentación Libre GNU.