The A Domus do Mitreo University Museum (Lugo) is a museum center managed by the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), although jointly owned by the Lugo City Council, located in a building that houses the headquarters of the Vice-Rector's Office of the Lugo Campus , built on the old site of the Pazo de Montenegro and annex buildings, next to the Roman wall of Lugo.
The Museum is called Domus del Mitreo because when archaeological surveys were carried out prior to the construction of the new building, the remains of a domus appeared that, during the Lower Roman Empire, was partially renovated to build a private building intended for use as a mitreo . The historical importance of the archaeological remains discovered forced us to rethink the architectural project initially planned to preserve them and incorporate them into the new building, which would include the first university museum of the University of Santiago de Compostela in Lugo.
In July 1998, the University of Santiago de Compostela acquired the Pazo de Montenegro building and its annex buildings, which had been uninhabited for decades, to rehabilitate and urbanize them through an architectural project that would allow the city to have a building that would house the Vicerre's facilities torado of the Campus of Lugo, as well as other dependencies destined to cultural uses. The excavations on the site reached an area of about 600 m² and were developed during several archaeological campaigns between 2000 and 2007, under the direction of the archaeologist Celso Rodríguez Cao, although the excavation was not allowed to extend towards the Puerta de Santiago or the Plaza de Pío XII itself located in front of the cathedral, thus preventing a better understanding of relevant aspects of the chronology of the archaeological remains.
After the construction of the building, whose project and construction management were carried out by the architect Felipe Peña, the museumization project was delayed for several years, due to the high cost of its financing. Finally, after an investment of approximately 200,000 euros, the A Domus do Mitreo University Museum opened its doors to the public on March 28, 2018.