The courtyard was constructed at the end of the 12th century during the Almohad period. It has a nearly square plan, with a pool in the centre and arcaded arches on each side of the courtyard, which are richly decorated. Caliphate columns support arches with plaster decoration on the south side (sebka). This decoration is used to cover a portico. There is an entrance in the colonnade with two horseshoe arches and a column in the centre. Above the lintel of this entrance, two windows open. A walled exit with three horseshoe arches in the Caliphate style of Córdoba can be found on the opposite wall. This courtyard, like other parts of the Alcazar, has been altered several times throughout its history. The entire wall where the sebka arcade was discovered covered. Francisco Mara Tubino discovered it at the end of the nineteenth century. The Marquis of Vega-Inclán, the Alcázar's curator at the time, commissioned architect José Gómez Millán to recover and restore it in 1912.